Devlog 2 - Submission Version Live!

Hey everyone! Scott Rusk here again with another devlog on The Recounted Life of Bailey Barksby. As of writing this, I'm happy to say the game has been launched in a completed state!

It was a bit of a rush to get the remaining points of polish done today, and I was a little nervous, but I can still say I'm happy for this moment. Submissions for the PIGSquad Summer Slow Jam are open, and I submitted the game at about 10 PM EST, the time to which I changed release!

The first thing you'll notice is Michael's music is now in the game! He really did a good job on the track; it captures the game's mood pretty well, so I hope it helps immerse you in the experience.

I've also decided not to go through with making the game mobile compatible. I tried the game on my phone and... the images didn't fully show up. They weren't really made with a mobile screen in mind, but that's okay in my book.  They were illustrated to fit on a computer screen without stretching too much. Therefore, I think it's better that we play to our strengths. I hope you understand.

Lastly, as I mentioned in the last devlog, Amanda and I have both expressed interest in tweaking and polishing the game post-release. The game is 100% playable and functional. Despite this, you may notice right now that images don't really load the fastest, or feel the text may be hard to read in some instances due to the vast change in text color. However, I plan to remedy these aspects of the game and will try to address them in full tomorrow. Amanda has even set me up with JPEG versions of our assets. Those are the aspects we know need improvement, but I look forward to improving the game even further beyond them if necessary.

Well, that's a wrap for tonight's devlog! I'd like to make another devlog about some stuff I personally learned on the project, so stay tuned for that. The development of this game has definitely been enjoyable for me, and I'd like to thank PIGSquad for augmenting that enjoyment. I'd also like to thank those in the PIGSquad discord for answering my questions, as well as Alyssa, Amanda, and Michael for helping deliver the game to the finish line. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy playing The Recounted Life of Bailey Barksby!


The Recounted Life of Bailey 26 MB
Jul 25, 2023

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